making your microwave work like it used to

making your microwave work like it used to

  • 7 Steps To Cleaning Your AC Window Unit Parts And Packing Your Unit Away For The Year

    Though you may be relying heavily on your AC window unit right now to cope with the heat, the summer weather will soon be cooling off as the fall arrives. If you rely on a window unit to cool your home, it's important to service your unit and pack it up carefully at the end of the warm season to ensure that parts continue functioning efficiently year after year. The following are seven important steps to go through each year at the end of the summer when you're preparing your window unit for its months in storage:

  • How To Replace The Drive Block On A Washing Machine That Vibrates Too Much

    A washing machine is supposed to agitate, or quickly spin, the clothing inside to make sure every piece is thoroughly washed and to help drain out the excess water at the end of the cycle. The washing machine can start to vibrate or shake if a load becomes greatly uneven in weight, which is a problem easily fixed by shifting around the clothes inside. But sometimes the severe vibrations are constant and unrelated to the weight or balance of the clothes inside.

  • Three Simple Ways That You Can Cut Down On Your Air Conditioner Usage

    Your air conditioner provides relief from the heat throughout the summer months, but the last thing you want this system to do is raise your temperature when your bill arrives. Excess usage of the A/C can lead to high energy bills, which is why it's important to take steps to maintain the coolness in your home without experiencing skyrocketing energy costs. Cutting back on your air conditioner usage doesn't mean that you have to be uncomfortable.

  • Boilers: Losing the Protection of the Temperature/Pressure Relief Valve

    Excessive buildup of pressure can cause a boiler to explode. To help minimize the risks of explosions, manufacturers usually fit boilers with different safety features. The temperature/pressure relief valve is one of them. Under normal operations, the valve usually stays closed. But if something goes wrong that leads to temperature increases that are likely to cause explosions, the valve opens, relieving the boiler of any built-up pressure. This is a process that is usually accompanied by whistling sounds and a release of steam clouds.

  • How To Prevent Refrigerator Burnout

    Appliances like a refrigerator can be expensive to repair. And, just like an automobile, your refrigerator needs to be properly taken care of to ensure proper operation. Otherwise, the engine can burn out, the refrigerant can malfunction and your unit will no longer work well. You can prevent this from happening with some simple maintenance. This article explains 3 simple tasks that can definitely prolong the life of your refrigerator and ensure that it is as efficient as possible.

2023© making your microwave work like it used to
About Me
making your microwave work like it used to

Does your microwave seem to be taking longer to heat up your food? Microwaves are wonderful appliances for the home, but they can eventually develop a few problems that could make them less efficient than they should be. I really dislike buying new appliances when my appliances begin to work less efficiently than they did in the past. Because of this, I have learned a lot about troubleshooting problems and making basic repairs or changes. You can learn how I got my microwave working the way that it once did and saved myself the cost of replacing the entire unit.
